Jean Philippe Lejeune
Mont-Le-Soie Centre européen du Cheval

Veterinarian, and director of Mont Le Soie.
He is a veterinarian graduated from the University of Liège. He completed a PhD thesis titled Juvenile osteoarthritis in the Ardennes draft horse. His main interests and expertise domains are a specialization in horse biomechanics (locomotor system), a knowledge of veterinary medicine, physiology and equine anatomy alongside knowledge of sporting aspects, equestrian competitions and an educational approach to horse riding. He also carries out a small horse breeding and boarding business. All his activities have led him to know the equestrian industry in his country well. In this project, he is the leader of two tasks: identification of the needs of farmers in each type of production context at National Horse Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (NH-AKIS)(Task 2.1), and identification of existing solutions and good practices at National Horse Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (NH-AKIS) and European level (Task 2.2).